
LT-STM2: Samples and the STM head are cooled by liquid He. Topological insulators, graphene, and magnetic surface compounds have been studied.

RT-STM: Various surfaces and nano-structures at surfaces have been observed at room temperature.

LT-STM1: Temperature at the samples is varied between 5 K and room temperature using liquid He and liquid N2. Semiconductors and Metal surfaces have been studied.

SMOKE chamber: Ferromagnetism of very thin films and nano-structures on metal surfaces in UHV have been studied by magneto-optical Kerr effect using a He-Ne laser.

ARPES/XPS: Valence and core electronic states of various surfaces have been studied by photoemission spectroscopy with a hemispherical analyzer, a UV discharge lamp and an X-ray source.

Laser-SARPES: Spin-resolved valence electronic states have been studied by photoemission spectroscopy with a hemispherical analyzer, 7 eV laser light and a UV discharge lamp and an X-ray source. (in collaboration with SOR group)